Thursday, April 21, 2016

European Multi-National Productions

Vintage Misc European Film Posters---1940’s-1970’s
(Multi-National Productions)

The first number following each title represents the number of posters available.
Email me with your selections, and I will respond with prices.

a las cinco de la tarde---FRabal---12---eur8
acto criminal---18---eur8
ad ogni costo---JLeigh/KKinski/EGRobinson---10---eur8
Adua e le compagne---SSignoret/MMastr---10---eur6
aeromozas suecas---DGelin---15---eur2
agente sigma3 vs traficantes de mercancia humana---JTaylor---9---eur9
alta infidelidad---CBloom/CAzn---10---eur9
ama rosa---d:LKlimowsky---11---eur8
Amant de lady chatterley---DDarrieux/LGenn---12---eur6
Amante italiana---DGelin---3---eur5
amantes anonimos---DCannon---18---eur1
Amantes de lucrecia borgia---FLatimore---11---eur1
Amantes del desierto---RMontalban---7---eur6
Amor a la francesa---AGirardot---4---eur5
Amori pericolosi---JSorel---11---eur6
angel tuvo la culpa---EPenella---7---eur3
appartement des filles---MDemon/SKoscina---15---eur7
armada contra el escorpion negro---16---eur8
arquero misterioso---MGoring---9---eur8
arturos island---18---eur9
as de corazones---GArdisson---16---eur1
Ataque en suez---14---eur5
attention les enfantes regardent---ADelon---6---eur7
aventurera internacional---8---eur8
Bachelor of hearts---HKruger/SSyms---8---eur4
bahia del deseo---19---eur9
banco a bangkok pour oss117---KMathews/PAngeli---10---eur8
banda de los rehenes---d:EMolinaro---17---eur3
bar de las mariposas muertas---22---eur2
Barro en la nieve---DGelin---9---eur6
Batalla de el alamein---MRennie/RHossein---8---eur6
batalla del desierto---RHossein---11---eur3
batalla del neretva---YBrenner/OWelles---15---eur3
batalla del puente---17---eur3
batalla del ultimo panzer---GMadison---18---eur8
bella durmiente del bosque---11---eur8
Black turin---FFabian---14---eur4
Blazing sand---9---eur6
bomba a las 10:10---GMontgomery---9---eur2
brigada de combate---SKoscina/HBuchholz---14---eur8
brillantes para el desayuno---MMastr/RTush---11---eur8
cama romantica---7---eur8
Camas equivocadas---9---eur5
candidato para una crimen---AEkberg---17---eur8
caravana de esclavas---14---eur8
carga peligrosa---13---eur2
Carta brava---EGuiu---2---eur7
Casa de los vagabundos---10---eur6
cena para amantes---JLTrintignant/AGirardot---6---eur2
cenicienta del barrio---RDucal---14---eur9
chaleurs d’ete---12---eur8
chat miaulera trois fois---UTognazzi---18---eur3
Chica de los ojos de gato---JFuchsb---16---eur6
chinese adventures in china---JPBelmondo/UAndress---9---eur9
Cielo defraudado---14---eur7
Cielo y tu---(GFigueroa)---11---eur5
Cien milliones para johnny banco---HBuchholz---11---eur7
Cien mujeres para un play-boy---RSalvatori---12---eur7
Cinco amigos en apuros---5---eur7
Cita con el pecador---5---eur7
Cita en amsterdam---2---eur7
Col cuore in gola---JLTrint/EAulin---6---eur5
Cola del escorpion---GHilton---12---eur5
Comando al infierno---GMadison---15---eur7
comenzo por un pecado---RNeihaus---13---eur1
Comezon en la frente---GMCanale---10---eur7
comisario x mision diabolico---TKendall---2---eur1
Complot internacional---LJeffries---15---eur7
Conde max---VdeSica---12---eur5
congreso de amor---CJurgens/LPalmer---12---eur1
conspiracion mortal---BBouchet/MRennie---14---eur2
Contra natura---JFuchsberger---3---eur5
contraespionaje en el gran restaurant---BBlair---8---eur1
crimen factor humano---GKennedy---JMills---5---eur9
crimen internacional sa---RHarrison---12---eur1
crimenes sinestros---PVogel---17---eur1
cristo del oceano---11---eur9
cuatro amantes la valija---MDarc---18---eur1
cuenta esta salada---LMerenda---3---eur1
Cuento de hadas---15---eur6
dalle ardenne all’ inferno---JIreland---2---eur8
Denomme scuarcio---YMontand/AValli---36---eur5
Des femmes disparaissent---RHossein---29---eur6
descuartizador de new york---d:LFulci---9---eur8
Devils advocate---JMills/RVallone---14---eur1
dia, un gato---20---eur3
diamond rush---JMarais---2---eur3
dulces pecados de susana---PPetit---2---eur1
El que dispara primero---JPBelmondo---52---eur6
ella sabia demasiado---AWest/NKwan---23---eur8
ellas te seguirandonde quieras---17---eur7
embrujo de amor---11---eur8
Emperador y la panadera---RSchneider---8---eur6
Enemigos por tradicion---HKruger---19---eur4
epopeya de bolivar---MSchell---22---eur7
esa mujer---SMontiel---13---eur7
Escape to berlin---12---eur6
Esfinge de cristal---AEkberg/RTaylor---27---eur7
espia hoy muerte manana---LBarker---19---eur1
espia pasional---FLatimore---11---eur3
espionage in casablanca---LJeffries---19---eur3
Esposas infieles---14---eur5
esposas peligrosas---SKoscina---10---eur3
Estate violenta---JLTrint---15---eur7
Estrangulador de viena---VBuono---32---eur7
eterno triangulo---21---eur9
Expedicion al infierno---BHarris---17---eur6
explosion del poseidon---39---eur7
Face of the cat---FArnoul---7---eur6
Fanfan la tulipe---GLolla---14---eur6
fbi contra el crimen---TBecker---9---eur3
fbi in europe---EConstantine---16---eur3
Fiancee du pirate---MConstantin---19---eur5
Finishing school---LPalmer---10---eur4
folie des grandeurs---YMontand---17---eur9
fotos prohibidas de una dama---26---eur8
fox affair 5---15---eur8
fuego en el cuerpo---ZAraya---29---eur2
Fuente del amor---19---eur6
fuerza 8---8---eur9
Fuga a toda vela---FFabrizi---18---eur4
fuga a toda vela---FFabrizi---2---eur9
Fuga al amanecer---BLee---18---eur6
fugitivo de la mafia---SBerger/MConstantin---19---eur2
Furia de los sables---LBarker---11---eur6
furia del trueno---MGregory---45---eur2
furia del vengador---TMeira---23---eur2
fx18 agente secreto---19---eur8
garganta del diablo---13---eur9
garra sangrienta---19---eur8
Garras y los dientes---70---eur7
Gendarme se pasea---40---eur6
Giuseppe verdi---11---eur7
gool entre piernas---37---eur2
Gran amor prohibido---15---eur3
Gran amour---19---eur5
Gran golpe de los melenudos---LVentura/MDarc---16---eur5
Gran jeu---GLolla---9---eur5
Great train robbery---15---eur6
Gros coup---HKruger---16---eur5
Guerra de los huevos---19---eur6
guerra de los huevos---27---eur2
Guerra secreta---VGassman/HFonda---14---eur5
Guerrero del rey---JMarais---15---eur4
hasta el ultimo hombre---15---eur7
Hermanos corsos---JServais---23---eur5
hijos no se venden---d:MBonnard---7---eur3
Hombre de los hongos---26---eur5
Hombre de marruecos---GHamilton---18---eur6
Hombre que vino del odio---LJeffries/d:LKlimovsky---20---eur5
Homicido perfecto---PLeroy---22---eur5
Horas desnudas---KDullea---18---eur7
Hot holidays for oss-117---EMartinelli/EFenech---12---eur5
hotel de la tentacion---14---eur8
hotel del pecado---CJurgens---16---eur8
huye ladron---KWynn---19---eur2
I love you rosa---19---eur3
I vinti---FInterlenghi---15---eur1
Iguana de la lengua de fuego---VCortese---26---eur1
il etait une fois un flic---MLonsdale---16---eur7
ils sont nos---13---eur8
infierno bajo el mar---GAddison---15---eur7
infierno en normandia---GMadison---13---eur7
Ingenua enamorada---5---eur5
Inspector y su amiga---RSchneider---23---eur5
intimidades de un seductor---MMastr---11---eur7
Io amo tu ami---18---eur5
Isla de gran caiman---BBach/MFerrer---15---eur5
isla misteriosa---OSharif---22---eur7
Italiano en australia---CRafferty---16---eur3
jaguar aun vive---CLee---7---eur1
Joe dakota---RHarrison---19---eur7
Joe y margarito---KCarradine/TSkerritt---18---eur7
Jorobado de roma---19---eur7
juego de poder---POToole/DHemmings---14---eur9
juego mortal---LMerenda---23---eur8
juegos de sociedad---16---eur8
julia la pecadora---LPalmer/JSorel---8---eur8
julia querida---AFranciosa/SDanning---15---eur8
juventud de una reina---RSchneider---12---eur8
Kaliman en el siniestro mundo de humanon---JCooper---90---eur6
KO cop---BSpencer---12---eur4
Labbra rosse---12---eur6
Labios rojos---16---eur7
Lady chaplin---KClark---12---eur6
Large noche---BLee---9---eur7
Last chance---14---eur6
le mans---LJeffries/EFenech---16---eur8
Le vent se leve---MDemongeot/CJurgens---11---eur7
Legge di guerra---MFerrer---8---eur4
Legion asesina---TKendall---17---eur5
Legion de los valientes---THunter/d:LKlimowsky---7---eur5
Leones son cobardes---JCBrialy/CCardinale---19---eur4
Ley de los renegados---3---eur4
Libertad vigilada---MVlady---13---eur6
Liebesnachte der lucrezia borgia---BLee---15---eur4
linea de la muerte---DCarridine---40---eur3
llamada del sexo---GHilton---28---eur3
Llegaron dos hombres---FRabal---15---eur6
lo que ella desea---AGirardot---23---eur2
Lo que esconde la noche---27---eur4
loba solitaria---DGaubert---16---eur2
lobas tienen sed---GGrahame---19---eur2
lobo solitario---13---eur2
Londres…appelle pole norde---CJurgens---15---eur5
lozana andaluza---MROmaggio---25---eur2
lucrecia borgia---21---eur8
luna park---19---eur8
Madame bovary---EFenech---36---eur5
Madame du barry---MCarol---13---eur1
Madchen in uniform---LPalmer/RSchneider---14---eur6
Magnum especial---NDavenport---22---eur4
Mala orden---SKoscina---28---eur4
maleta para un cadaver---Gardisson---14---eur9
Man with ice eyes---BBouchet/FDomergue---13---eur5
Manos cornodos---20---eur4
marcelino pan y vino---FRey---51---eur3
mary mary bloody mary---JCarridine---15---eur3
Mas locos que una cabra---GDepardieu/PArmendariz---14---eur1
Mata muchacho mata---22---eur4
Matar es sobrevivir---JSaxon---20---eur4
mercado de placer---15---eur8
Mi angel---RSchneider/JPBelmondo---14---eur4
mi noche de bodas---d:PHaggard---17---eur2
miguel stroganoff---JPLaw/MFarmer---23---eur9
Milan calibre 38---PLeroy---23---eur5
Milliard dans un billard---JSeberg/EMartinelli---19---eur6
Minuit…quai de bercy---EvonStroheim---3---eur6
mision sin destino---TonyCarrera---27---eur2
miss arizona---MMastroianni---3---eur1
Mission suicide---CMitchum---15---eur5
Mistress pamela---19---eur5
montecristo 70---RPellegrin---10---eur2
mr estafas---BSpencer/HLom---5---eur3
mr estafas---BSpencer/HLom---6---eur2
mr relampago---19---eur8
muchacha de la piel de luna---50---eur8
muchacha de los ojos de oro---18---eur8
muchacho tormenta---5---eur8
Muere una mujer---5---eur5
muerte camina de tacones altos---FWolff---16---eur2
Muerte llama dos veces---AEkberg---31---eur5
Muerte no tiene sexo---JMills---10---eur5
mujer en llamas---9---eur8
mujeres en cadenas---30---eur9
mundo de mi padre---18---eur1
munecas de placer---11---eur3
Nacio para matar---THunter---16---eur5
nada menos que todo un hombre---FRabal---19---eur8
navaja asesina---4---eur8
new adventures of tom sawyer---RDemongeot---19---eur2
Ni hablar…de los maridos---UTognazzi/Brialy/3xdir---15---eur1
No desearas al vecino del quinta---IdeFustemberg---5---eur5
No hay humo sin fuego---AGirardot---27---eur5
no puedo seguir callando---BFrey---19---eur3
no somos de piedra---ALanda---18---eur2
No tortures esa muneca---IPappas/BBouchet/d:LFulci---21---eur6
Noche de la violencia---CBrasseur---13---eur4
Noche fue hecha para…---CSpaak---19---eur6
Noches calidas de lady hamilton---JMills---18---eur5
Nosotros dos---3---eur4
nuestro primer eterno amor---CWolff---15---eur3
ocaso de un imperio americano---2---eur8
Odissea nuda---EMSalerno---19---eur4
Oh mi papa---RSchneider---10---eur6
ojo del huracan---JSorel---23---eur9
Ojos siniestros---RHossein/MMorgan---10---eur6
olor de las fieras---MRonet---17---eur8
one way---MFarmer/FRey---73---eur3
Operacion oro---MDarc---25---eur3
operacion tifon---GMartin---7---eur8
operation brutos---LVentura---7---eur2
operation poker---RBrowne---11---eur2
Oro rojo---HStiglitz---13---eur5
Oss 117 terror in tokyo---AHunebelle14---eur4
pandilla del vicio---BCapell---10---eur3
Para vivir hay que matar---KClark---14---eur5
Parias de la gloria---CJurgens/MRonet---9---eur4
paris pick-up---RHossein---13---eur2
pasion y el amor---MDarc---13---eur2
pecado de amor---SMontiel---8---eur8
peleador invencible---LMerenda---15---eur2
pepito la peste---11---eur8
persecucion hasta valencia---TTryon---17---eur7
piladora del amor---TSinclair---15---eur3
pirata negro---GLandry---13---eur2
pirates of the mississippi---HFrank---11---eur3
placer de la aventura---SKocina---5---eur3
placeres conyugales---13---eur3
police python 357---YMontand/SSignoret---15---eur2
Policia pide ayuda---32---eur6
poor albert and little annie---ZHall---19---eur1
Popea cortesana al servicio del imperio---19---eurs
popsy pop contra papillon---CCardinale/SBaker---15---eur3
primera entrega---EPenella---16---eur2
primera noche de quietud---ADelon---25---eur2
primerisimos amores de casanova---LWhiting/SBerger---7---eur2
Primos carnales---HGriffith---56---eur4
prisoner of desire---CCerval---17---eur2
prostitua respetuosa---BLaage---14---eur1
Quand liras cette lettre---JGreco---7---eur1
Que hago…cambio marido---KDouglas/THoward---21---eur1
que noche muchachos---PLeroy---21---eur8
que paso con barbara---31---eur8
querida luisa---JMoreau---19---eur8
querido profesor---18---eur8
quien la ha visto morir---GLazenby/ACeli---28---eur3
quinceaneras al sol---CSpaak---21---eur8
quinta ofensiva---RBurton/IPappas---26---eur3
rafaga sobre el desierto---DMcgavin---14---eur2
red lanterns---JKarezi---14---eur1
refugio de la maldad---ARay---15---eur8
Reglamento del hampa---DGelin---8---eur6
Remolino pasional---17---eur4
Reptil con piel de mujer---JSorel/SBaker---8---eur4
Requiem for a secret agent---SGranger---19---eur6
Requiem por un canalla---ABonet---7---eur4
Responsabilite limitee---VdeSica---15---eur4
rififi en amsterdam---RBrowne---14---eur1
rififi en tokyo---KBoehm---19---eur1
Rikki y sus amantes---10---eur6
rikki y sus amantes---GNorby---8---eur1
ritmo de aventura---RCarlos---22---eur7
robo electronico---RTushingham---25---eur8
romance en venecia---ASmyrner---12---eur1
rose bernd---MSchell/RVallone---8---eur1
rostro del asesino---19---eur3
rubi negro---TAlder---20---eur1
Sabanas calientes---9---eur6
Sabor a muerte---18---eur5
Sacraficio de una madre---RQuintana---2---eur6
safari rally 6000 kms de terror---JDallesandro---7---eur1
salem aleikum---15---eur9
salon kitty---HBerger/IThulin---23---eur1
salvaje kurdistan---LBarker---16---eur1
sangrientos buitres de alaska---DMcclure---18---eur1
Secrets d’alcove---VdeSica/JMoreau---13---eur5
selva se ha vuelto loca---JMitchum---4---eur8
senorita demasiado complicada---CSpaak/JSorel---19---eur8
Septo mandamiento---9---eur1
Serenata para dos espias---TKendall---23---eur1
Serie noir---HVidal---10---eur6
si me contara versalles---SGuitry/OWelles---9---eur9
si quieres morir dispara---17---eur9
sicilian clan---ADelon/JGabin---19---eur2
Siete espadas del vengador---8---eur4
siete hombres de oro---RPodesta---9---eur8
siete horas de violencia---GHilton---16---eur9
Siete mujeres de oro contra agente07---MHargitay---14---eur4
Siete pecados capitales---MMorgan---5---eur4
Siete trampas para un espia---5---eur1
sin with a stranger---PVaneck/d:SGobbi
Sinfonia en el hielo---10---eur6
sinfonia para un masacre---CVanel---19---eur3
sissi emperatriz---RSchneider---18---eur8
sobre y bajo el lecho---AEkberg/CDeneuve---19---eur3
strange love affair---VLisi/HBerger/CAzn---15---eur3
super gallo---NKwan---17---eur8
Supergolpe de 10 milliones---DAndrews---37---eur5
superpolice in egypt---BSpencer---11---eur3
susana pecho otra vez---JHunter---13---eur3
susana sabe como…---5---eur3
Tan linda y en este negocio---BBenton/KKinski---50---eur4
Taxi para tobrouk---HKruger---15---eur6
Te necesito tanto amor---20---eur4
temoin dans la ville---LVentura---16---eur3
Temps de vivre---MVlady---10---eur5
Temps des loups---RHossein/Cazn/VLisi---22---eur5
Tentaciones de medianoche---12---eur4
terror a medianohe---SBrady---13---eur9
Therese etienne---FArnoul---16---eur4
they call him bulldozer---BSpencer---10---eur2
Titanes en guerra---FLang---14---eur4
toda desnudez sera castigada---PPorto---15---eur1
Tony arzenta---ADelon/RConte---27---eur4
torre de nesle---SPampanini/PBrasseur---75---eur3
torre del pecado---9---eur3
Tout pour le tout---DSanders---19---eur5
trampa a la mafia---d:MMarcus---39---eur2
trampa a la mafia---ICiobanu---10---eur1
treasure of santa teresa---EConstantine/MGoring---16---eur1
Tres contra la muerte---JBarrymoreJr---21---eur4
Tres etceteras del coronel---AEkberg/VdeSica---32---eur4
tres perfectas casadas---d:BAlazraki
tres supermanes en tokio---GMartin---12---eur9
trio infernal---RSchneider---17---eur3
Triunfo de miguel stroganoff---CJurgens/Capucine---10---eur4
Tu que fuiste mi pasion---MSerato---12---eur4
Ulica graniczna---15---eur6
Una sobre otra---EMartinelli/JSorel---100---eur3
Una tarde una noche---10---eur3
uncle toms cabin---HLom---17---eur8
Uomini e lupi---SMagnano/YMontand---10---eur4
Vacances en enfer---ELabourdette---14---eur1
Valeria dentro y fuera---BBouchet---8---eur4
Valle de la paz---JKitzmiller---12---eur1
Vendedoras de ilusiones---GPascal---15---eur1
venus pecadora---GFountas---25---eur1
verano violento---PArmendariz---15---eur7
verdad sobre rosa maria---BLee---15---eur7
verdugas de las chicas del calendario---TBolling---27---eur7
verdugo de la muerte---FWilliams---13---eur7
verdugo de paris---RBrazzi---20---eur3
vertigo para un asesino---SKoscina---20---eur3
vida de un mantenido---AValli---15---eur2
vida facil---19---eur3
viena de mis emsuenos---16---eur7
viente cuatro horas en la vida de una mujer---DDarrieux---26---eur7
viking que vino al sur---LBuzzanca---12---eur7
villa carino---12---eur7
violencia a quemarropa---IRassimov---29---eur2
violencia a quemarropa---IRassimov---9---eur7
violencia en hong kong---JFuchsberger---23---eur2
violencia en la noche---14---eur2
Visitador nocturno---39---eur5
Visitante nocturno---THoward/LUllmann/MvSydow---18---eur5
volgas chiffer---JDerek/EMartinelli---14---eur2
y despues el cuple---TLeblanc---20---eur2
ya alumbrara el sol---Heintje---18---eur2
Yptron agente del diablo---15---eur3
zampo y yo---ABelen---12---eur1


The Posters are original, and come from a Regional Film Archive in Mexico City.
They were designed in Europe and printed in Mexico.
They contain both stills from the Film and also design elements from the One Sheet Poster.

The typography, photos, artwork, stars names, credits, drawings, scenes, emotional impact,
appeal, and intrinsic value are virtually the same as Posters from Hollywood or any other
international Metropolis where the film had been shown.

However, the layout will be much flashier, more graphically intensive, or even more lurid.
The size is appx. 13" x 17"---over 40% larger than a standard Lobby Card.
As such, each Poster is a cross between a Jumbo Lobby Card, Title Card, and a One Sheet Poster.
The Posters were printed on either heavy Cardboard Stock, thick fine Linen Paper, or
sturdy Poster Stock.

Overall very good condition, altho there will be occasional tears, pinholes, stains, etc.
There are eight different variations for each poster---containing different stills from the film.
Some dupes.


Esther Williams

Esther Williams

bathing beauty---16---75125---g10
dangerous when wet---19---anim/an3.JPG
easy to love---15---com5
jupiters darling---11---com9/us124.JPG
raw wind in eden ‘58---2---com13
skirts ahoy---11---3060---g2/us377.JPG
this time for keeps---6---4075---g2
thrill of a romance---7---75150---g9
unguarded moment---14---com2/us305.JPG

Esther Williams

bathing beauty---16---75125---g10

thrill of a romance---7---75150---g9


this time for keeps---6---4075---g2

skirts ahoy---11---3060---g2/us377.JPG

dangerous when wet---19---anim/an3.JPG

easy to love---15---com5

jupiters darling---11---com9/us124.JPG

unguarded moment---14---com2/us305.JPG

raw wind in eden ‘58---2---com13

Errol Flynn

**Original Errol Flynn Movie Lobby Cards**

The first number following each title represents the number of cards available.
Email me with your selections, and I will respond with prices.

adventures of captain fabian---9---100200---g3
adventures of robin hood---11---55009000---g6
against all flags---11---75150---g8
big boodle---10---200400---g3
captain blood (E.Flynn)---6---g16
captain blood---spec
crossed swords---18---4075---g3
desperate journey---9---200400---rr
master of ballantrane---10---100200---g3
never say goodbye---12---com3
objective burma---17---4075---g3
prince and the pauper---11---6001000---g2
roots of heaven---13---com7
san antonio---4---50100---g3
santa fe trail---15---250500---rr
sea hawk---4---35005000---g3
silver river---7---4075---g3
sun also rises---7---100200---g10
virginia city---4---6001000---hb


The Posters are original, and come from a Regional Film Archive in Mexico City.
They were designed in Hollywood and printed in Mexico.
Each Poster contains the same design elements found on Posters from the US.
They contain both stills from the Film and also design elements from the One Sheet Poster.

The typography, photos, artwork, stars names, credits, drawings, scenes, emotional impact,
appeal, and intrinsic value are virtually the same as Posters from Hollywood or any other
international Metropolis where the film had been shown.

However, the layout will be much flashier, more graphically intensive, or even more lurid.
The size is appx. 13" x 17"---over 40% larger than a standard Lobby Card.
As such, each Poster is a cross between a Jumbo Lobby Card, Title Card, and a One Sheet Poster.
The Posters were printed on either heavy Cardboard Stock, thick fine Linen Paper, or
sturdy Poster Stock.

Overall very good condition, altho there will be occasional tears, pinholes, stains, etc.
There are eight different variations for each poster---containing different stills from the film.
Some dupes.



This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.



aber jonny! ’73 GER---5---er2
apprezzato professionista disicuro av... ’71 IT---12---er1
atti impuri all’italiana ’76 IT---36---er1
auandar anapu ’74 (prize)---4---er2
avere vent’anni ’78 IT---14---er2
baba yaga ’73 EUR---11---er1
bed of 1,000 pleasures ’72 IT (B.Bouchet)---7---er1
bella antonia prima monica... ’72 IT (E.Fenech)---18---er1
bellas de noche 2 ’75 MX---30---er2
below the belt ‘70---7---er2
Black deep throat ’76 IT---37+---er2
bocconcino ’76 IT---31---er1
born innocent ’74 TVM---7---er1
call girls of frankfurt ’66 AUST---11---er1
carhops ‘80---28---er2
cavalla tutta nuda ’72 IT (B.Bouchet)---3---er1
celestine ’74 FR---19---er2
che dottoressa ragazzi ’76 IT---14---er2
chile picante ’81 MX---4---er1
cicciolina amore mio ’79 IT---10---er1
coccolona ’75 EUR---28---er2
confessions of a sex maniac ’72 IT (S.Koscina)---10---er1
confessions of a sex maniac ’72 IT---8---er2
Crazy horse de paris ’76 FR---9---er2
crimes of the black cat ’72 IT---2---er1
cugine mie ’78 IT---70+---er1
donna di seconda mano ’77 IT (S.Berger)---5---er2
donna per sette bastardi ’74 IT---7---er1
dr minx ‘75---24---er1
drei bayern in bangkok ’75 GER---38+---er1
erotic dreams of cleopatra ’83 EUR---8---er1
es pecado...pero me gusta ’77 EUR---11---er1
escuela de placer---43+---er2
extraconiugale ’64 IT---19---er1
fascista la beata y su hija desvirgada ’78 VZ/MX---19---er1
femme fidele ’76 FR (d:R.Vadim)---4---er1
fine dell’innocenza ’75 IT---7---er2
flavia  the rebel nun ’74 EUR---16---er1
flossie ’74 SWD---3---er2
flossie ’74 SWD---6---er2
governante ’75 IT---16---er2
groove room ’75 SWD/US---14---er2
happy hooker goes to washington ‘77---24---er1
hembras diabolicas---30---er2
hijos del diablo (Piporro)---1---er2
hilfe mich liebt eine jungfrau ’69 GER---2---er2
historia de s ’78 SP---37+---er1
hombre desnudo---19---er2
homo eroticus ’71 IT---28---er2
ils son nus ’66 CAN/FR---9---er1
indecent exposure ‘81---8---er2
ingenua ’75 IT---28---er1
ingenua ’75 IT---7---er1
inside army ‘75---4---er1
je suis une nymphomane ’70 FR---27---er1
Josefine das liebestolle katzchen ’69 EUR---32---er2
joy of flying ’77 GER---4---er2
juegos de colegials GER---24---er1
keeler affair ’63 DK/UK---9---er1
labbra di lurido blu ’75 IT---23---er2
labios eroticos---3---er2
Limite del amor ’76 SP---80+---er2
little mother ’73 US/EUR---25---er1
lola espejo oscuro ’66 SP---18---er2
macho bionico---11---er2
macho en el salon de belleza---50+---er2
mais ou menos virgem ’73 BR---49---er1
manhandlers ‘73---37+---er1
marcada por los hombres---15---er2
mascara ’77 SP---16---er2
mata hari ’85 (S.Kristel)---8---er2
medico e la studentessa ’76 IT---32---er1
metti lo diavolo tuo ne lo mio inferno ’72 IT---6---er1
morbid habits of the governess ’74 IT---16---er1
muchacha de las bragas de oro---9---er2
muchachos de barrio (d:Klim?)---20---er2
mujer del ministro (P.Armdz)---6---er2
mujeres de jeremias ’80 SP/MX (C.Connors?)---7---er1
my loves ’79 IT (E.Fenech)---13---er1
nackte bovary ’69 EUR (E.Fenech)---47---er2
nana ’70 EUR (p:G.Alatriste)---35+---er1
nana ’85 MX (V.Castro)---13---er2
natasha ARG---15---er1
nipoti miei diletti ’74 IT---42+---er2
notti segrete di lucrezia borgia ’82 EUR---15---er2
oh mia bella matrigna ’76 IT---3---er2
orgasmo ’68 EUR (C.Baker)---32+---er1
pafnucio santo ’77 MX---2---er2
papaya dei caribe ’78 IT---20---er2
para psycho-spektrum der angst ’75 GER---14---er1
pasion inconfesable ’78 SP---23---er2
pavone nero ’74 IT---15---er2
pedro navaja (Resortes)---2---er2
perro callejero---4---er2
pick-up ‘75---29---er1
piratas ’84 MX---5---er2
placeres secretos de dos cortesanas (E.Fenech)---100+---er1
preppies ’82 (Playboy)---24+---er1
preppies ’82 (Playboy)---5---er2
pretora ’76 IT (d: L.Fulci)(E.Fenech)---16---er2
quella strana voglia d’amore ’77 IT---36---er2
reina del strip tease (Z.Faiad)---15---er1
rey de masaje---30+---er2
rey de talon---27---er2
sassie sue ‘72---11---er2
Saturday night out ’63 UK---17---er2
seminariste ’76 IT---13---er2
senza buccia ’79 EUR---5---er1
sex with a smile 2 ’76 IT---35---er1
sexo de los pobres---11---er2
sexo de los ricos---15---er2
sexo en condominio (E.Fenech)---33+---er1
sexo me da risa ’78 MX (S.Mont)---21---er2
sexo sentido MX---11---er2
single girls ‘73---7---er1
Six women ‘75---20---er2
story of o ’75 EUR---26---er1
strange compulsion ‘64---19---er1
stripper ‘85---er2
strip-tease ’76 SP---8---er2
susana quiere perder eso ’77 SP---12---er2
sweet sins of sexy susan ’67 EUR---6---er1
swinging barmaids ‘75---19---er2
tender loving care ‘74---19---er1
tentations de marianne ’72 FR---23---er2
testigo para un crimen ’63 ARG (L.Leblanc)---5---er1
torturadas pelo sexo ’76 BR---3---er2
traumstadt ’73 GER---2---er2
tuo piacere e il mio ’73 IT (B.Bouchet)(S.K.)---31---er1
vanessa ’77 GER---31---er1
vedova del trullo ’79 IT---9---er1
vercinella ’76 IT---3---er2
veuve en or ’69 EUR---13---er1
virgin wife ’75 IT---6---er1
when love is lust ’73 IT---26---er2
without a stitch ’69 DK---9---er1
y hacemos de...tocho morocho---19---er2
ya soy mujer ’75 SP---18---er1
young emmannuelle ’76 FR---6---er2


bay of st michel ’63 UK---18---nz
black fox: the true story of adolph hitler ‘62---15---nz
canaris ’54 GER---10---nz
deportate della sezione speciale ss ’76 IT---9---nz
er ging an meiner seite ’58 GER---16---nz
face in the rain ’63 US---18---nz
frauen in teufels hand ’60 AUST---18---nz
frauleins in uniform ’80 SWZ---13---nz
geheimaktion schwarze kapelle ’59 EUR---18---nz
hitler ’62 US---13---nz
hitler the last ten days ’73 IT/UK---19---nz
hitlers children ’42 (d:E.Dmyt)---12---nz
hotel reserve ’44 UK---11---nz
house on garibaldi st ’79 TVM---13---nz
it happened here ’66 UK---15---nz
jackboot mutiny ’55 GER (d:Pabst)---12---nz
leben von adolph hitler ’61 GER---12---nz
lebensborn ’61 GER---12---nz
lesson in history ’56 RUS/BLG---16---nz
letzte akt ’55 GER (d:Pabst)---16---nz
operation eichmann ’61 US---15---nz
red nights of the gestapo ’77 IT---16---nz
rise and fall of the third reich ‘68---17---nz
ski troop attack ’60 US (d:R.Corman)---9---nz
strafbatallion 999 ’59 GER---7---nz
they saved hitlers brain ’68 US---8---nz
train special pour ss ’77 EUR---9---nz
ulica graniczna ’49 POL (prize)---15---nz

***Misc Foreign***

aan ’52 INDIA---9---for
answer to violence ’59 POL (nazi)---11---for
ant-hill ’71 HNG---14---for
awara ’51 INDIA---17---for
bedside romance ’73 DK---16---for
doloma ’64 GR---9---for
honeymoon ’59 UK/SP (d:M.Powell)---14---for
householder ’63 INDIA (Merchant/Ivory)---15---for
in gold we trust ’91 FR/THAI---11---for
jakub ’77 CZ---26---for
junge sunderlin ’60 GER---13---for
katiforos ’61 GR (Z.Las)---6---for
kolybelnaya ’60 RUS---11---for
kuma ching ’68 ARG/SP---15---for
lady ’64 EUR/GR---15---for
milenci v roce jedna ’73 CZ---19---for
mlodosc chopina ’52 POL---14---for
nema barikada ’49 CZ---11---for
nina ja erik ’60 FIN---19---for
nino y camello ISR---27---for
notte del grande assalto ’60 EUR---11---for
piroschka ’55 GER---12---for
principe rebelde INDIA---16---for
red mantle ’67 DK/ICL/SWD (dir)---19---for
sampo ’59 FIN/RUS---14---for
seven winds ’62 RUS---12---for
siberian lady macbeth ’61 POL/YUG (dir)---6---for
so intimate ’69 GR---15---for
soldatensender calais ’60 GER---9---for
tiger and the flame ’52 INDIA---12---for
tiko and the shark ’66 EUR---14---for
trapeni ’62 CZ (prize)---9---for
uz zase skacu pres kaluze ’70 CZ/GER---16---for
wolf trap ’57 CZ---13---for


4 apariciones de la virgen de guadalupe---4---rel
alegre juventud ’63 SP---13---rel
altar mayor MX/SP---7---rel
beso de judas ’54 SP---4---rel
christo rey---14---rel
concilio ecumenico vaticano ’63 (John23)---14---rel
cristo ’54 SP---14---rel
gran cruz ’37 MX---13---rel
grandi condottieri ’66 EUR---14---rel
hijo del dios MX/SP---20---rel
hoy he sonado con dios ’71 MX---7---rel
jacob and esau ’63 IT---16---rel
jesus ’79 US---28---rel
jesus el nazareno---10---rel
jesus maria y jose ’72 MX---21---rel
jesus nuestro senor---17---rel
jesus of nazareth ’77 (TVM)(2x) IT/UK---29---rel
king of kings ’27 US (DeMille)---7---rel
martires del cristianismo---14---rel
milagros de san martin de porres ’59 MX---17---rel
ponzio pilato (2x)---10---rel
ponzio pilato ’62 EUR---12---rel
portico de la gloria ’53 SP---10---rel
principe de la iglesia ’51 MX---15---rel
proceso de cristo MX---13---rel
redentor del mundo MX/SP (cbrd)---4---rel
rey de reyes (king of kings) ‘27---15---rel
san juan bosco IT---10---rel
teresa de jesus ’61 SP---31---rel
therese martin ’39 FR---6---rel
triunfo de la cruz---5---rel
virgen que forjo una patria ’42 MX---23---rel

wandering jew ’33 UK (C.Veidt)---10---rel

Ernie Kovacs

Ernie Kovacs

north to alaska---7+---4080---jw
operation mad ball---15---com3
five golden hours---11---com14
it happened to jane---17---com14

bell book and candle---11---4075---g7

Elvis Presley

**Original Elvis Presley Jumbo Lobby Cards**

The first number following each title represents the number of cards available.
Email me with your selections, and I will respond with prices.  (320?-67 250+/-)

Change of Habit---15---2035---elv
Double Trouble---1---4075---elv
Flaming Star---11---4075---elv
Follow That Dream---15---4075---elv
Frankie and Johnnie---16---3050---elv
GI Blues---13---75125---elv
Girl Happy---14---3050---elv
Harum Scarum---14---3050---elv
It Happened at the Worlds Fair---17---4075---elv
Jailhouse Rock---8---7001200---elv
Kid Galahad---13---75125---elv
Kissin Cousins---11---4075---elv
Live a Little Love a Little---15---1530---elv (MX Olym)
Stay Away Joe---19---2035---elv
This is Elvis---44---1530---elv
Tickle Me---16---3060---elv
Trouble With Girls---15---2040---elv
Wild in the Country---9---75150---elv


The Cards are original, and come from a Regional Film Archive in Mexico City.
They were designed in Hollywood and printed in Mexico.
Each Card contains the same design elements found on Posters from the US.
They contain both stills from the Film and also design elements from the One Sheet Poster.

The typography, photos, artwork, stars names, credits, drawings, scenes, emotional impact,
appeal, and intrinsic value are virtually the same as Posters from Hollywood or any other
international Metropolis where the film had been shown.

However, the layout will be much flashier, more graphically intensive, or even more lurid.
The size is appx. 13" x 17"---over 40% larger than a standard Lobby Card.
As such, each Poster is a cross between a Jumbo Lobby Card, Title Card, and a One Sheet Poster.
The Posters were printed on either heavy Cardboard Stock, thick fine Linen Paper, or
sturdy Poster Stock.

Overall very good condition, altho there will be occasional tears, pinholes, stains, etc.
There are eight different variations for each poster---containing different stills from the film.
Some dupes.


Elvis Presley

**Original Elvis Presley Jumbo Lobby Cards**

The first number following each title represents the number of cards available.
Email me with your selections, and I will respond with prices.  (320?-67 250+/-)

Change of Habit---15---2035---elv
Double Trouble---1---4075---elv
Flaming Star---11---4075---elv
Follow That Dream---15---4075---elv
Frankie and Johnnie---16---3050---elv
GI Blues---13---75125---elv
Girl Happy---14---3050---elv
Harum Scarum---14---3050---elv
It Happened at the Worlds Fair---17---4075---elv
Jailhouse Rock---8---7001200---elv
Kid Galahad---13---75125---elv
Kissin Cousins---11---4075---elv
Live a Little Love a Little---15---1530---elv (MX Olym)
Stay Away Joe---19---2035---elv
This is Elvis---44---1530---elv
Tickle Me---16---3060---elv
Trouble With Girls---15---2040---elv
Wild in the Country---9---75150---elv


The Cards are original, and come from a Regional Film Archive in Mexico City.
They were designed in Hollywood and printed in Mexico.
Each Card contains the same design elements found on Posters from the US.
They contain both stills from the Film and also design elements from the One Sheet Poster.

The typography, photos, artwork, stars names, credits, drawings, scenes, emotional impact,
appeal, and intrinsic value are virtually the same as Posters from Hollywood or any other
international Metropolis where the film had been shown.

However, the layout will be much flashier, more graphically intensive, or even more lurid.
The size is appx. 13" x 17"---over 40% larger than a standard Lobby Card.
As such, each Poster is a cross between a Jumbo Lobby Card, Title Card, and a One Sheet Poster.
The Posters were printed on either heavy Cardboard Stock, thick fine Linen Paper, or
sturdy Poster Stock.

Overall very good condition, altho there will be occasional tears, pinholes, stains, etc.
There are eight different variations for each poster---containing different stills from the film.
Some dupes.


Elizabeth Taylor

**Original Elizabeth Taylor Movie Cards**

The first number following each title represents the number of cards available.
Email me with your selections, and I will respond with prices.

anne of the thousand days---11---100k14
ash Wednesday---33---com1
butterfield eight---14---75125---g5
cat on a hot tin roof---15---200350---g5
courage of lassie---14---150300---g6
elephant walk---14---50100---g9
father of the bride---12---75150---g7
fathers little dividend---12---50100---g7
last time I saw paris---12---75150---g5
national velvet---8---150300---g6
place in the sun---spec
quo vadis---62---75150---g3
reflections in a golden eye---22---1525---mb
secret ceremony---12---1525---g12
thats entertainment---16---1525---g3
whos afraid of virginia woolf---17---3050---g6


The Posters are original, and come from a Regional Film Archive in Mexico City.
They were designed in Hollywood and printed in Mexico.
Each Poster contains the same design elements found on Posters from the US.
They contain both stills from the Film and also design elements from the One Sheet Poster.

The typography, photos, artwork, stars names, credits, drawings, scenes, emotional impact,
appeal, and intrinsic value are virtually the same as Posters from Hollywood or any other
international Metropolis where the film had been shown.

However, the layout will be much flashier, more graphically intensive, or even more lurid.
The size is appx. 13" x 17"---over 40% larger than a standard Lobby Card.
As such, each Poster is a cross between a Jumbo Lobby Card, Title Card, and a One Sheet Poster.
The Posters were printed on either heavy Cardboard Stock, thick fine Linen Paper, or
sturdy Poster Stock.

Overall very good condition, altho there will be occasional tears, pinholes, stains, etc.
There are eight different variations for each poster---containing different stills from the film.
Some dupes.


Elia Kazan

Elia Kazan

East of eden---10---250500---jd
Face in the crowd---2---singl/us847.JPG
last tycoon---stills/us297.JPG
on the waterfront ---20---75150---mb
on the waterfront---15---200350---mb/mb1.JPG
streetcar named desire---18---200400---mb/mb2.JPG
viva zapata---16---250500---mb

wild river---9---com13

Douglas Sirk

Douglas Sirk

all I desire---10---100k5
all that heaven allows---10---com11/us613.JPG
captain lightfoot---10---2040---100k10/us808.JPG
first legion---20---com7
imitation of life---14---4075---g9/us6.JPG
magnificent obsession---17---com9/us335.JPG
mystery submarine---18---100k3
never say goodbye---12---com3
sign of the pagan---14---gla1
taza son of cochise---10---3050---g5/wes16.JPG
theres always tomorrow---16---com5
time to love and a time to die---5---com2
written on the wind---12---4075---g2

Double Oversized Lobbys

Double Oversized Lobbys
Appx 15”-17” x 22”-26”

Amityville Horror---’79---US---11---2x1
Angels brigade---JPalance---dop---24---2x1
Bacanales romanas---’82---Sp---22---2x2
Bermuda cave of the sharks---Ital/Eur---19---2x1
Cassi jones o magnifico sedutor---’72---BRZ---6---2x2
Cattivi pensieri---’76---Itak---13---2x2
Cisco pike---’72---dop---11---2x1
Death machines---’76---2---2x2
Def con 4---’65---sci---4---2x1
Diamond peddlers---’75---Ital---Trinity?---13---2x1
Don’t go in the house---’80---5---2x2
Fango bollente---Ital---’75---JDallesandro---30---2x1
First deadly sin---FSinatra---15---2x1
Forced entry---’75---3---2x2
Ground zero---’75---MBelli---10---2x1
Help me…im possessed---’76---22---2x1
I spit on your corpse---GSpelvin---8(set)---2x1
Ice station zero---pics------2x2
Insegnante va in collegio---’78---Ital---EFen---15---2x2
Insegnante viene a casa---’78---Ital/FR---13---2x2
Just the way you are---35---2x1
Kill alex kill---’83---8---2x2
Kill alex kill---8---2x2
cooley high---4---2x2
Long legs long fingers---Ger---’66---2---2x2
Mac and me---’88---McDonalds---4---2x2
Magic of lassie---70---2x1
Mansion of the doomed---’77---10---2x1
March or die---11---2x1
Mariscal del infierno---’74---d:Klim---PNaschy---6---2x1
Massacre at central high---’76---US---14---2x1
Matador sexual---’79---BRZ---3---2x2
Me cai de la nube---MX---2---2x2
Me siento extrana---’77---Sp---RDurcal---63---2x1
Me siento extrana---MX?---RDurcal---19---2x2
Mexico de noche---MX---18---2x2
Mohammed messenger of god---AQuinn---13---2x1
Mojado power---14---2x2
Monache di sant’arcanglo---’73---Eur---21---2x1
Monache di sant’arcanglo---’73---Eur---inserts?---3---2x2
Morir de madrugada---MX---9---2x2
Motocross…reto a muerte???---4---2x2
Mujeres me dominan?---7---2x2
Munecas de media noche---MX---3---2x2
My pleasure is my business---’74---CA/WG---98---2x2
Nackte bovary?---’69---Ger---EFenech---4---2x2
Napoleon/los triunfadores---MX---poster---10---2x2
Naughty stewardesses?---’74---5---2x2
Night of the juggler---’80---16---2x1
Non si deve profanare il sonno dei morti---’74---Eur---d:JGrau---15---2x1
Northville cemetary massacre---’76---m/c---9---2x1
Oldest profession---’67---EUR---RWelch/JMor---2---2x2
Oreja rajada---MX---small---7---2x2
Palenque sangriento---MX---15---2x2
Pancho lopez---MX---5---2x2
Parole de flic---’85---Fr---6---2x1
Pasiones salvajes?--- (A.J.Wilson)---3---2x2
Pavone nero---’74---Ital---4---2x2
Pelado de adan y eva---ero---17---2x2
Perras de guerra---nz---3---2x2
Persecucion y muerte de benjamin argumendo---MX---3---2x2
Playa azul---’81---SP/SWZ---3---2x2
Poder de las vampiras---window---3---2x2
Por ellas aunque mal paguen---MX---PInfante---14---2x2
Principessa nuda---’76---Ital---16---2x2
Principessa nuda---2---2x2
Rarotonga la perla negra---zonga---MX---16---2x2
Sandokan tigre de la malasia---Ital---55---2x1
Satans sadists---5---2x2
Satans sadists---RTamblyn---22---2x1
Scorticatelli vivi---’78---Ital---13---2x1
Secreto del dr orloff---Eur---’64---12---2x1
Seven golden men---’65---Eur---3---2x2
Seven times a day---’71---CA/ISR---24---2x2
Sexo me da risa---MX---small.1/2 sheet---16---2x2
Sst death flight---51---2x1
Sst death flight---LGreene---35---2x1
Super seal---’77---window?---6---2x2
That cursed house close to the mushroom belt---’72---Eur---11---2x1
Tres mujeres y un deseo---MX---21---2x2
Triple echo---’77---d:MApted---14---2x2
Triumphs of a man called horse---46---2x1
Valientes de guerrero---MX---2---2x2
Visita al pasado---MX---3---2x2
Viuda negra---MX---5---2x2
Vuelven los mecanicos ardientes---MX---4---2x2
Were no angels---’75---Ital---box---23---2x1
Wetbacks mojados---MX---banner---14---2x2
When you comin back red ryder---’79---dop---15---2x1
White fang and the hunter---’75---Ital---6---2x2

Wonderful world of the brothers grimm---17---2x1